We hope to see you on February 15, 2025!
The mission of Cuddle Quilts has been going since 1991 here at our church. It began with Ellen Farnham, with making small quilts for at-risk babies & children and was called ABC Quilts. When that program ended, the name changed to Cuddle Quilts to reflect the love and care that goes into them, as well as the love and comfort they bring to the children at Golisano Children’s Hospital. In the early years there were as many as 25 women who gathered in our Fellowship Hall to piece tops, add the batting & backing, and do the machine sewing. Then they are handed off to the tiers to finish them up. Last, but very important, is the label that we put on each quilt: “Made with love by the Cuddle Quilters at the United Methodist Church of North Chili,” and a heart symbol! In January we delivered 15 quilts to Golisano Children’s Hospital for the nurses to hand out to those who need them.
We have dwindled to about 6 women now, though some ladies join us from out of our immediate area. We will meet almost every month on the third Saturday from 9am – Noon. Sewing, trimming, tying, and labeling quilts of comfort. We have some supplies, but we really could use more hands to do this important work. If you sew, you could make a top or two at home, with kid-friendly cotton fabrics, pastels or brights, boys theme or girls. Take a look at some of the Quilts draped over the Altar rail in the Sanctuary for inspiration!
If you have fabrics or quilts to donate, please call Susann at the Church Office 585-594-9111 or send an email to umcnorthchili@gmail.com. And we’d be pleased to have you simply hold one of the quilts and say a prayer of healing and care for the child who will receive it.
– Susann Pruitt, for Cuddle Quilts