Dear Congregation and NCFM Supporters: 

Coming soon is the 50th Season and Anniversary of our North Chili Farmers Market (NCFM). With this 50th Season of the NCFM we would like to celebrate the 5 decades or the ½ century of Community Service. This is certainly the priceless dedication and commitment from our present and past church family which is making this treasure stand the test of time!

For this celebration we have several ideas to make this a memorable year for our community market. We welcome your help in any way, so please watch this space for more information about our plans. There may be new T-shirts, market bags, a scavenger hunt, Children’s activities, prize baskets, and more. Please contact John Standinger at or 585-281-6538. if you would like to be involved in any way. Let’s make this a season to remember. And thank you all for your support for the NCFM for all these years.
