Grace Church of the Nazarene continues to serve 25 to 30 families in the Ogden area each Wednesday 5:30-7 pm. Clients are allowed to come every 30 days. As their neighbor we continue to support them in this important mission.

Food Pantry Donations needed this month: Please consider donating small-regular size containers. BECAUSE: You can purchase several SMALL-REGULAR size laundry, shampoo & conditioner for less than just one LARGE size soap so they can serve more of their customers monthly.

PAPER TOWELS — need right now

shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap, dish soap, single wrapped toothbrushes

Kleenex, toilet paper, sanitary products~ both tampons & pads

Small to Regular size containers and unscented products are preferred, please. 

Thank you all for the great response for this mission! 

This is a local community pantry and Grace Church is 

very thankful for our support. 

Our next delivery day is March 16 th.